New Attorney General previously investigated for domestic violence

.Giuseppe Bonissi, named by the Cabinet to take over as Attorney General, was investigated in 2001 on a domestic violence complaint. 
Women’s rights activist and  former legislator Teresita de Arias said it is "unacceptable that people who have been accused or investigated for domestic violence to hold posts as guardians of human rights.” Other groups expressed similar sentiments.
Ana Elizabeth Gonzalez Concepcion, Bonissi’s former partner, was the complainant.

Currently, she is an official of the Supreme Court, and working in the office of Judge Alberto Cigarruista.

The case was opened in 2001 and Bonossi was called for trial charged with domestic violence in May 2002 but the case got a temporary stay in October the same year.

Bonossi was named to the post following the suspension of Panama’s first woman Attorney General,Ana Matilde Gomez, accused of abuse of authority for wire tapping the phone of a prosecutor who has been charged with asking for bribes.

The suspension has caused outrage in human rights organizations and among legal authorities.

A protest meeting has been called for Wednesday at Porras Park, at 4 p.m.

La Prensa, which reported the story, said the paper made numerous attempts to contact Bonassi, but he did not take calls.