Ship on fire in Panama Canal


A container ship emanating smoke during its transit under the Bridge of the Americas, in Panama City, was reported this Monday, January 30. In several images posted on social networks outlet smoke was observed in some sections of the ship.

Data provided by the fire brigade reported a fire in the engine room of the container ship . 

Firefighters from the Clayton, Balboa, and Plaza Amador stations participated in the extinguishing work. It turned out that the ship, during transit, presented a mechanical problem. Tugboats from the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) arrived at the site and on board the ship there is an ACP pilot.

ACP reacts                                                                                                                                                                                  In a statement, the ACP reported that it is the container ship CAPE KORTIA, in maneuvers towards the port of Panama International Terminal (PSA), which reported an outbreak of fire in the engine room.                                                                                                Due to the incident registered on this ship, which remains on the road to the Pacific access channel, another ship was affected. The Canal teams are working to clear the access road in the navigation channel. No injuries were reported in this incident.