Want to Add “Newsroom Panama” to your telephone’s ‘Homescreen’ (If your phone is Android and your browser is Google Chrome, it is very easy.  Visit our website http://www.newsroompanama.com  on your phone and look for the three dots in the right hand top corner.  Click on ‘Add to Home Screen’.)  You’re done.


Want to Add “Newsroom Panama” to your telephone’s ‘Homescreen’ (for either Android or iPhone)?  CLICK HERE:  https://www.howtogeek.com/196087/how-to-add-websites-to-the-home-screen-on-any-smartphone-or-tablet/#how-to-add-a-website-to-the-home-screen-on-iphone-or-ipad


If you want to receive an email from us early every morning regarding the top stories of the day, look on the website for the notice that says FREE DAILY EMAIL and put in your email address only and register. It is also just as easy to remove the daily emails from arriving every morning.  


Soon you will be receiving Panama Investment opportunities especially designed for the retiring to Panama expatriate.  You must have a Panama bank account and if you do not have residency, we have a lawyer who specializes in opening up International Bank Accounts in Panama for foreigners.  We have contacted retired Investment Advisors who are excited about the opportunity of helping out with investments in Panama.  They know of some great Panamanian firms who have solid long term histories of successful investments.  They are not interested in new start-ups, or high risk investments, only solid blue chips types of investments will be offered. 


We will list jobs that are available full or part time, rental apartments, Panama real estate, Buy and Sell, Legal News, Newbie to Panama News, International News, National News, Local News, and lots more.  Tell me what you need.  You have our email address.  PanamaNewsroom@gmail.com This is your Newspaper Panama, so get ready to see plenty of extras.  May the 5th or better known throughout Latin America as ‘Cinco de Mayo’ Panama gets a brand new Government elected.  As a country singer friend of mine once said…..”Thank God and Greyhound They’re Gone”   We are also looking at that same date to having the all new and improved Newsroom Panama functioning in high gear.  The first newspaper that I worked for was called the Telegram so my pen name was Telly and you will see stories written by me.  Coming soon……..so stay tuned Panama. 


In 2024 Newsroom Panama will be looking for news writers and reporters from the various expat communities in Panama, or from those writers who are in the process of moving to Panama.  Send your news stories of any kind, preferably in Word, along with any associated .jpg pictures to PanamaNewsroom@gmail.com   We are looking for the Clark Kent of Panama City or David, the Lois Lane from Boquete or El Valle, or the Jimmy Olsen from Coronado,  Bocas del Toro, or maybe Volcan that is now called Tierras Altas.  We can’t print every story, but we will read them all.  We do reserve the right to correct any English wording or sentence structure.  Come up with a pen name or initials if you like.  Let’s chat soon.  Telly