President condemns partyers flouting lockdown

As the number of people detained for flouting lockdown decrees zoomed past 7,000 and the death toll from COVID-19 climbed to over 60 President Lprentino Cortizo joined in the criticism of street curfew offenders and those partying at home.
Speaking on TVN, President Laurentino Cortizo said: “What is not understood about staying in our houses?” after reiterating that this is a “highly contagious’ virus, and condemning a rooftop party at Patio Pinel in Santa Ana and an upscale wedding celebration with musicians and caterers in PH Manhattan Sky, on Calle Winston Churchill. In Paitilla with videos pf both events circulating on social media.
Executive sources affirmed that it is analyzing the presentation of bills before the National Assembly to criminalize disobedience to isolation and to the curfews decreed.
On Tuesday, April 7 The Minister of Public Security, Juan Pino, reported that in the previous 24 hours 797 people were detained for defying mobility restrictions in the midst of the pandemic. That is, 108 more than those who arrested Sunday. Most of those who disobeyed the order live in Panama Central.
Pino, said that, together with the Public Ministry, they are conducting an investigation into the Santa Ana event on the same day as the wedding party the day of absolute lockdown decreed to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
He said that none of those who participated were captured on the day of the activity. Because someone warned the 20 odd partiers that the National Police were on the way.
“They had an early warning,” said Pino, adding that “there is enough evidence”, so they are working with the Public Ministry to locate those responsible.
Videos and photos of the party showed a group of at least 20 people dancing, singing and with drinks in hand. There was a plastic pool and a grill loaded with meat meats.
Investigation of the wedding party with videos showing women in long gowns and well-dressed men are also underway.