Bolivia prosecutors  ask preventive detention for ex-president


The Bolivian Prosecutor’s Office requested on Sunday six months in preventive prison for the former right-wing president Jeanine Áñez , for a case of an alleged coup against former president Evo Morales , while the UN and the European Union ask for transparency of the process.

Áñez, 53, was arrested on Saturday in the city of Trinidad, capital of the Amazon department of Beni along with her ministers of Justice, Álvaro Coímbra, and of Energy, Rodrigo Guzmán, all three denounced for sedition, terrorism and conspiracy.

Áñez, a lawyer, politician and former television presenter, has been detained in a police station since Saturday after being detained while hiding in a trunk at the home of a relative. The bizarre and surprising arrest occurred in Trinidad, 600 km northeast of La Paz, where she lived.