Pandemic costs led Carnival  Line to switch flags


The burden of the pandemic crisis that paralyzed cruise operations, including those of Carnival Cruise Line, led the shipping company to take some financial measures this year to save costs, including registering at least two of its largest ships. with a capacity for between 5,000 and 6,000 passengers, with the flag of the Bahamas, and thus abandoning that of Panama.

Rafael Cigarruista Director of the Merchant Marine of the Panama Maritime Authority, (AMP) said that Carnival Cruise Line’s decision is related only to economic and financial reasons, which have been “widely” discussed by the company and the AMP.

“The Carnival Cruise Line company is a company that traditionally uses the Panamanian registry, in fact, at this moment we have 18 ships of the group in our registry, and we maintain a cordial relationship, and one of complete satisfaction,” he clarified.

The cruises that changed the flag of Panama to the flag of the Bahamas by Carnival are Mardi Gras, which was delivered to that shipping company in 2021 with a capacity of 5,282 passengers, and Carnival Celebration with a capacity of 5,370 passengers and 1,735 crew members. which raised the flag of the Bahamas in November 2022.