Ruben Blades acknowledges 39-year old love child

PANAMANIAN salsa singer Ruben Blades, winner of multiple Grammy’s and a man with presidential ambitions has confirmed that he is the father of a 39-year-old Puerto Rican.
He made the acknowledgment that Joseph Verne is his biological son, on Facebook. Verne has a 13 year-old daughter, so Blades is also catapulted into the grandfather role.
On New Year’s Day Puerto Rican newspapers carried a statement released by Blades on his Facebook shortly before the end of 2014, which clarifies that biological tests conducted in February showed that Verne is his son.
“I want to make a necessary public statement that I am pleased and satisfied,” said Blades in the statement, recalling that a two years ago Verne publicly stated that there was a possibility that he was the son of the folk singer which Blades, had always rejected he acknowledged
“In May 2013, however, a relative of mine agreed to a DNA test for. Verne and although the results seemed to demonstrate a clear relationship of consanguinity between the two I was not notified of it. Six months later, in December 2013, a letter was received at my father’s home in Panama giving thr the fact, “says Blades in the statement.
The singer told his lawyers to locate Verne and arrangements were made for a DNA test be conducted with all three (his son, the mother and himself).
“Those tests were achieved in February 2014 and the results were conclusive. Joseph Verne, a man of 39 years old, is my biological son . Joseph’s conviction proved to be true and I, of course, was wrong to have considered that there was no such a possibility, ” says Blades.
“Although nothing can ever appease my shame with him and myself, we met in March 2014 and since then have maintained optimal communication including my granddaughter, a bright young 13- year-old,” said Blades in the statement.
The singer said he did not want to make a public announcement without first establishing the basis for a real relationship with his child.
“I do not plan to make any public statement on the matter. Joseph and I believe that this public notice is clear and sufficient” concludes the statement.
Blades was Minister of Tourism during the administration of Martin Torrijos (2004-2009.