Mining Chamber says public tours will highlight job creation

The Chamber of Mining of Panama (CAMIPA) highlighted the announcement made by the Minister of Commerce and Industries- MICI, Jorge Rivera Staff, in which he indicated that the National Government will coordinate the visits of Panamanians to the Panama Copper mine.

They think that it is a key process for citizen participation, transparency, and informed conversation regarding the country’s mining activity.

“The Panamanian mining industry has an unrestricted commitment to transparency, community participation, and informed conversation about the sector, which is why we consider this announcement by the Ministry as an important step forward to generate a better understanding of the industry, its commitment to the protection of the environment, the progress of communities and the development of Panama,” said Roberto Cuevas, president of CAMIPA.

According to the Chamber, Panama is among the six countries in the region that have the Sustainable Mining Standard – TSM, a strict program, recognized as the best in the world, that establishes the parameters in which the sector must act to manage the environmental and social challenges of its activity, having responsibility, transparency and credibility as pillars.

In this sense, they share that the initiative will allow Panamanians to learn first-hand about the reality of the sector and encourage informed conversations about mining, for better decision-making in the face of the situation that the country is experiencing at this time.

 “Panama has great geological potential to connect the world with the minerals needed for the energy transition; At the same time, it has immense potential to provide thousands of jobs and resources necessary to close social gaps in the interior of the country, at a time when the economic outlook is uncertain for all Panamanians,” Cuevas concluded.