Explaining “Justice” for Panama  Big Shots

Under the heading “Soicy Saturday”  in Rolando Rodriguez revealed on Saturday. October 24, the confessions of the Odebrecht official who approved multi-million dollars of bribes paid to high rollers of Panama who could face conviction in the United States and under Panama “justice” walk free on home soil.

Rodriguez writes:

Confessions of the Odebrecht business leader for Latin America, Luiz Antonio Mameri, known in 2017:

“In 2009, my subordinate André Campo, DS [Superintendent Director] of Panama, informed me that he would make a contribution of $400,000 with unaccounted for resources [Department of Structured Operations or Box 2] for the campaign of the then-presidential candidate Ricardo Martinelli. I authorized the payments ”.

“Later, during the government of Ricardo Martinelli, I was informed by André Campos [Rabello], DS of Panama, that he had been wanted by the sons of the then president, offering facilities, together with the Government of the country, and they agreed on a remuneration for the action in favor of the interests of the company. They would support the conquest of new projects, streamlining bureaucratic procedures and releasing invoice payments. Based on this, André Campos made payments of approximately $35 million, authorized by me, but it was not specified in which projects the sons of President Martinelli actually acted ”. The evidence, Mameri added, is ‘the records of payments made.’

“In the first semester of 2010, I was contacted by my subordinate, André Campos, DS of Panama, informing that he had agreed with the Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu, that the company would make undue payments to him through his father. I authorized the payments, which total approximately $4 million. “

“In mid-2010, I was informed by my subordinate, André Rabello, that he had participated in meetings with the then-president Ricardo Martinelli, João Santana and Mónica Moura and, on the occasion, they agreed that, depending on the performance of the company In the country, the company would be responsible for part of the cost of the electoral campaign of Ricardo Martinelli’s candidate for the country’s Presidency, worth about $10 million. I authorized the payments ”.

Mameri was the one who approved bribes. Similar facts have been confessed by Odebrecht operators, such as Luiz Eduardo Soares, Fernando Migliaccio and Rodrigo Tacla Durán.

In Panama, the investigation ended last week. At the same time, another investigation is underway in the United States. Odebrecht has already pleaded guilty to paying bribes. In this process, two sons of former President Martinelli are investigated, who, refugees in that country, seem to have forgotten that the Department of Justice disclosed in 2016 that: “Odebrecht agreed to pay $6 million to two close relatives of a senior Panamanian official in relation to government infrastructure projects, under the understanding that, in return, the official would guarantee the contract for the work to Odebrecht ”.

They tell me that the case in Panama will be manipulated to favor big shots, so I ask if there are convictions in the United States, how will Panama justify that there are no convictions in the largest corruption case in the history of this country? writes Rodriguez