761 people with COVID-19 caught roaming streets

Control operations, in conjunction with the security departments, the Ministry of Health (Minsa)  have detected 761 people infected  withCovid-19 roaming the streets and 30,845 people driving without safe passages, between June 18 and July 22, says a report issued on Thursday.

The Minsa in a statement reiterated that the sanctions for those who do not comply with the established restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus remain in force.

“We remember that the rules that establish sanctions for those who fail to comply with the measures established in our country remain in force,” the entity stressed.

According to the Ministry, these people were detected through the Updated Protection of Observation Cases (PACO) application, a system that is applied throughout the country.

“The intention is to identify these people, and move them to a place where they receive medical attention and also verify that they comply with the isolation required to cut the virus transmission chain,” says the Minsa.

Until the report of Wednesday, the Minsa reported that Panama had  50 906 cases of coronavirus and 1,180 deaths.