Wingo launches new airline – Wingo Panama


The airline Wingo announced Wednesday the creation of a new airline with a Panamanian operating certificate: Wingo Panama.

The new airline will begin operations on August 11, when the Panama Pacifico – David route takes off : The first domestic route in Panama operated under the ultra-low-cost model.

In addition, it will have two frequencies a week, on Fridays and Sundays, giving people the chance to enjoy a weekend in the province of Chiriquí.

“We are very excited to continue in our growth process and to take the service and the Wingo model, successfully tested in Colombia, to other latitudes in Latin America. With the emergence of Wingo Panama, we already have two airlines that operate under the Wingo brand in the region”, said Eduardo Lombana, CEO of Wingo.

“With our first operation to David, we increase the connectivity options for locals and visitors, resulting in a greater benefit for the entire national hotel and tourism ecosystem,” said Lombana