Continued vigilance as lifting of mobility rules means  more cases

 The lifting of mobility rules on Monday, September 14  will allow men and women to circulate freely after months of restrictions but will also mean an increase in new COVID-19 cases says Israel Cedeño, director of the Metropolitan Health Region,  who affirmed that it will be important to continue to comply with health regulations to o contain the advance of the virus.

“Obviously we are going to have more cases. The key is for the population to continue collaborating with us, to continue raising awareness” Cedeño said this Sunday, September 13, on a  traceability tour of Tocumen township.

The government began a gradual schedule of actions and opening of activities on the way to a “new normal” on September and on  Monday, the restriction of mobility by gender will end.

The curfew is now in effect from 11:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday through Saturday.

 Total quarantine remains in place on Sundays.

“Obviously we are going to have more people on the streets, what we hope is that the population will continue working on their self-care to guarantee collective care,” Cedeño, said.

Cedeño said that in the last 21 days here have been openings and more mobility of people on the street, but cases have been falling- a reflection of the work of the traceability teams.

“I have always said, the problem is not that there are a thousand people on the street, it is that two of them do not comply,” he emphasized.