Coronavirus cases on a seven-week downward curve

The number of new cases of coronavirus has fallen for seven successive weeks and   the Rt (retransmission rate)  is at  0.96 which is  good news  as the ideal is 1 or below

On Tuesday  September 22, there were  474 new cases and 13 deaths

These figures raise the accumulated cases of to 107,284 and deaths to 2,285. reported

There were  4,543 tests with 10.4% positivity. The total number of tests carried out since last March, when the first case was registered in the country, is 442,249.

Israel Cedeño, director of the Metropolitan Health Region said

He said that the percentage of positivity of the tests continues to fall, which is good because it means s that the number of infections and deaths decreases.

He said  that in Panama, an average of 107 tests are carried out per 100 thousand inhabitants, which represents three times the average carried out in Latin America, where it is 35 per 100 thousand inhabitants.