Causeway operations to ensure covid rules compliance

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the Joint Task Force (FTC) have launched operations on the Amador Causeway to ensure compliance with preventive measures against Covid-19.

Since the opening of economic activities and the lifting of mobility restrictions, the number of visitors in the area has zoomed  which is why the Health authorities will deploy personnel, in coordination with the Joint Task Force (FTC), to monitor compliance with biosafety regulations.

“Because it is considered a public space in which a large number of people are concentrated who go out in search of recreation, the health centers of the Metropolitan Health Region, together with the FTC, will deploy professionals who together will ensure compliance with biosafety measures, the protocols established by the Minsa in this area,” said the Ministry.

According to the Minsa, today, on Thursday, and tomorrow Friday, the prevention and surveillance operations will be carried out between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm, while on Saturday the preventive actions will take place from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm

It is reiterated that the use of masks is mandatory and that physical distancing is also essential.