Israel launches  “no vaccine no entry” badge plan

Israel the world leader in covid vaccinations has launched a  covid “badge” project so that only vaccinated people can enter restaurants  gyms, restaurants and concerts.

In recent days, the ministerial cabinet announced a schedule to bring the country out of its third confinement since the beginning of the pandemic through an intense vaccination campaign, which turns Israel into a small “world laboratory”.

So far four million Israelis have been vaccinated (45% of the population), of which 2.6 million received the second dose, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health. This is the highest vaccination rate in the world.

The country’s published a study of 1.2 million people in which it concludes that the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine – the companies with which Israel has a biomedical data exchange agreement – is 94% effective. .

With an effective vaccine and a high percentage of the vaccinated population, the authorities plan to gradually reopen gyms, museums, shopping centers, restaurants, and cafes starting Sunday.

The government announced a system of “badges”, purple for those who are not vaccinated or have only received one dose and green for those who have received their second injection or are “recovered” from Covid-19.

Shopping centers, libraries, museums, cafes and some places of worship will open in “purple”, that is, for everyone.

And gyms, sporting and cultural events, restaurants (with reservation) will be open to holders of the “green badge”, that is, to those with a double vaccination or recovery certificate.

“We are advancing in a responsible deconfinement in the form of ‘If you are vaccinated, you can enter'”, said the minister of Defense, Benny Gantz, on this measurement, which could be difficult to apply in the companies.

In addition to the “badges”, Israelis who have received the two doses will also be able to receive a “green passport” that allows them to enter the country after a trip abroad without having to serve quarantine, but on condition that they have a test Covid-19 negative.