VACCINATION – Rumors more powerful than science

THE HEALTH authorities have detected that a significant number of people over 60 years of age have not come to be vaccinated in the campaigns that take place in the electoral circuits where the massive inoculation process began. And this is not only pitiful, but these people put their own lives at risk by being exposed to Covid-19 and, what is worse, they can infect others. It is absolutely necessary for the entire population to be vaccinated, as there is a great state effort deployed in economic and human resources so that everyone can be immunized. It is reprehensible that rumors have been more powerful than science, despite the fact that vaccines have been warned that they are safe and that they enjoy the support of specialized agencies in the United States and Europe, since state-of-the-art technology and science have been used in its elaboration. Religious factors also intervene in this reluctance, creating unnecessary and even dangerous fears for parishioners, since their lives are being played with without convincing evidence that the effects of the vaccine are more dangerous than the disease. From here, a call for all of us to go to immunize ourselves and get out of this long isolation. – LA PRENSA, Mar. 24