Tribute to 111 health workers killed by covid

Health Minister, Luis Francisco Sucre paid tribute on Wednesday, March 24 to the 111 health workers who lost their lives in the fight against  covid-19.  

During the event referred to the fears that exist with the application of the vaccine from AstraZeneca, stating that studies show that “there is nothing to fear.”

When asked about the possibility that some people do not want to apply the doses of this pharmaceutical company, Sucre commented that it is a personal decision of each one and affirmed that the European Medicines Agency ruled on the matter and that there is nothing to fear.

He said that what happened at the time is that they related a type of event, such as pulmonary thrombosis with the vaccine and that it has been shown that it has no link, according to the report of the European agency.

“We do not force anyone. In the end, we have to give the population a safe vaccine according to international organizations. If WHO, PAHO, EMA, and now we are waiting for the CDC and FDA to rule on this vaccine will be made available; the one who wants to be vaccinated, the one who doesn’t, no. But we consider that there is nothing to fear when international organizations are telling us that it was an event that is not related to AstraZeneca ”.

The Health Minister confirmed that meetings were held with the laboratories that produce the Russian Sputnik V vaccine and the Chinese vaccine.

He reiterated that the agreement with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer establishes the arrival of vaccines every week.

In addition, they are awaiting confirmation of the arrival of the AstraZeneca doses and those that were managed by the Covax mechanism.

With last night’s batch of 70,200 doses, the total number of immunizations received by Panama from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer is 421,060.

To date, 312,761 doses have been applied throughout the country since the first batch of vaccines arrived on January 20.