Vaccination slashes hospitalization 89.2%

The number of people hospitalized with covid-19  in Panama has plummeted 89.2%, when comparing the figures of November 28, 2021, with those of the same day of 2020 while 60%  of patients in wards are unvaccinated reports the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

 In other words, the incidence of Covid-19 among vaccinated people is lower than among those who are not vaccinated or those who have received a single dose.

The most recent epidemiological report (November 21-27) from (Minsa) counted 116 patients hospitalized for Covid-19, of which 93 are in the ward and 23 in intensive care units.

Vaccination has managed to reduce the number of hospitalized in the ward and intensive care units in the country, according to the Pan American Health Organization.

The epidemiological report for last week (November 21-27) counted 116 hospitalized patients, of which 93 are in the ward and 23 in intensive care units (ICU). The figure is similar to that of the previous week (November 14 to 20), when 116 were hospitalized, of which 94 were in wards and 22 to ICU.

In fact, data from the Minsa allow November 28 of this year (118) compared to the same date in 2020, when there were 1,095 hospitalized, in the ward and in the ICU.

Vaccine protects

Paulino Vigil De Gracia the National Research System of the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation, said that there is no doubt that getting vaccinated against Covid-19 is a success

He described vaccination in the country as moderate (3/5) and considers that the government and businessmen have to be more energetic with those who do not want to be vaccinated.

“Just as for a long time they locked us up all and it was not a violation of our rights, that they take similar strategies with those who demand their right not to be vaccinated,” he said.

President Cortizo, asked the owners of bars and restaurants, as well as dance organizers, to ask their clients for the QR or vaccination card, to mitigate Covid infections  

The infectologist, Xavier Sáez-Llorens said that the authorities are being very soft with people who misinform and frighten people against vaccination, which prevents reaching excellent vaccination coverage and fosters waves of cases, and social restrictions social. “We will all pay the consequences and it is not fair”.