71% of Panamanians have complete covid vax schedule


At least 71 out of 100 Panamanians have the complete vaccination schedule against covid-19, says a report by Our World in Data published by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). ).

In Panama, the complete vaccination schedule is three doses for those over 16 years of age, while for those between 5 and 15 years of age it is two doses. In addition, a second booster dose is applied to those over 50 years of age.

Another point highlighted by Our World in Data is that 79% of Panamanians have received at least one dose of biologicals against the new coronavirus.

Panama, according to the report, is one of the countries with the highest proportion of the “completely immunized population”, above the world average of 60%.

PAHOmentiond that according to the accumulated tests in Panama, a total of one million 413,853 tests are carried out per million inhabitants, maintaining the application of taking samples from covid-19 to the population above the average for the region of one million, 325,421.