OPINION: Panama’s environmental and cultural boondoggle

The Omar Torrijos avenue expansion project has fallen into a phase of stagnation, with devastating consequences for the riverbanks and a possible contractual conflict between the Ministry of Public Works and the contractor. From its beginnings, this project, which aimed to increase the important avenue to four lanes, met resistance from key actors and, above all, from the community, which was scandalized by the destruction of forests with enormous historical, cultural, environmental, and aesthetical importance.  Faced with the facts, the authorities, especially those who will take office on July 1, must take into account that there is an environmental impact that must be corrected. This is the result of works that are done without due planning and avoiding the wide-ranging citizen consultation once again the weaknesses of the institutions that had to take care of our fragile environment and that stopped thinking about the value of these forests are evident. Whatever the outcome of this situation, Panama has lost. Now it corresponds that the damage caused be compensated in the best interest of the country..LA PRENSA, May 26