Cortizo calls  on UN for joint action on migration crisis

President Laurentino Cortizo, in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, called on the international community to jointly address the migratory crisis that Panama is facing and that entails a “responsibility” for the entire region. 

He said that this crisis is growing exponentially, ensuring that in January, Panama was receiving 800 migrants, but in August of this year, the figure increased to 30,000.

“Our country in a responsible manner, respectful of human rights, provides dignified treatment to these migrants and offers them temporary shelter, medical assistance, and food,” said Cortizo.

He called on the international community to make a joint effort with coordinated strategies and resources as soon as possible to anticipate a regional humanitarian crisis of great proportions.

“We dedicate a part of our limited resources. Panama does its part. This is everyone’s responsibility and it is now. I have listened to many speeches and speeches with great depth. But we have to go from speeches to concrete actions,” he stressed.

Climate change
He then spoke about climate change, stating that the serious problems facing the planet are related to it.

“What else do world leaders need to understand that it is a very high priority problem?” he asked.

He highlighted that Panama is one of three countries in the world classified as carbon-negative being the country with “the best maritime and air connectivity in Latin America and the Caribbean.” He indicated that it has been understood that what is good for the planet is good for the economy and for each of the countries.

He also highlighted that Panama is a blue world leader, complying with the 30×30 initiative to protect 30% of the oceans, a goal reached 9 years before the set date.

“Panama offers itself once again as a bridge to bring nations closer together, seek common and concrete solutions to problems, and face regional and global challenges. We can do it with a route marked by solidarity and respect for Human Rights, through broad and honest dialogues to maintain social peace, “he said.