ENVIRONMENT: Government endorses green hydrogen program


Latin America “is the region of the world with the highest penetration of renewable energies in its electricity generation”, and among its countries, Panama seeks to become a green hydrogen storage and commercialization node, says the Panamanian secretary of Energy, Jorge Rivera.

In this scenario, Rivera said, Panama is working on an energy transition “aligned” with the objectives of decarbonization and a balance between energy security, accessibility, and costs for citizens.

Green hydrogen has become an important vector of this decarbonization in recent years. It is generated by splitting the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen by applying an electrical current, a process called electrolysis.

On Tuesday The Panamanian Government approved a strategy to facilitate the use of green hydrogen derivatives in maritime and air transport, in a new step to try to position Panama, “in the short, medium and long term”, in a center or ” sustainable energy hub.

The Cabinet Council National Strategy for Green Hydrogen and Derivatives (ENHIVE), together with the Inter-Institutional Committee for Green Hydrogen and Derivatives of Panama (CIHIVE). The initiative, which is part of the country’s energy transition agenda, aims to develop the necessary work for its adoption and implementation, with the support of public institutions, universities, companies, and private sector associations, the Government reported.

Specifically, the strategy aims to position Panama as the global route for green hydrogen and its derivatives, enhancing its geographic location and infrastructures to supply the logistics, domestic, maritime, air, and land transportation sectors with renewable energy. This at the same time as developing the capacities that allow the establishment of an “innovative” market for this energy sector in the country.