Jingle Bells just around the corner

By Dilys Jones

If you think it's too early to think about Christmas, think again. Planning for the return of a major Christmas event in Panama is already far advanced. 

There are opportunities for individuals, businesses, churches and community groups to participate.

Part of the 2000 strong audience at Carols by Candlelight 2011

The CanadaPLUS Club which last year initiated the Carols by Candlelight event in Casco Viejo and  raised money for Calicanto has lifted its sights and this year will be  targeting  five charities and organizations including Malambo, and Santo Tomas Hospital.

 Over 2,000 people showed up to join in the singing and the inaugural event. This year the group is aiming to attract 10,000 to a Carols by Candlelight Festival  throughout the afternoon  and evening of  December 16 at Panama Pacifico and promises to be a stunning event , with more performers, and kiosks, and some very special happenings which will be revealed soon. Hint: your kids won't want to miss it, and it's free.

 Corporate sponsors have already come forward including Copa Airlines, HSBC, Estrella Azul, Palo Alto and Panama Pacifico. A huge shipment of specially decorated LED candles is on the way and 20,000 free carols books in English and Spanish will be distributed throughout Panama city, Arriajan and Chorrerra.

Churches and  community groups are being invited to  participate with a kiosk, to raise funds for their own special causes.

If any readers or sponsors  are interested in getting involved, contact the organizers at carolspanama@gmail.com

The CanadaPLUS Club is open to people of all nationalities (hence the PLUS) and has  people from 22 different countries, including Panama, among its 250+ members. It also provides access to a discounted health plan, which saves members hundreds of dollars a year. For more information go to clubcanadaplus@gmail.com