From wartime fund raiser to cultural icon

By Dilys Jones
A war time fund raiser to purchase a fighter plane for Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) seems a far cry from a “Grand Gala Concert” taking place in Panama on Tuesday, November 27.

It’s a story worth telling, as with true English recitence the people involved are usually not out there shouting their achievements from the rooftops, but I hope they won’t mind an emigre from neighboring Wales doing the shouting for the,
A group of Anglos and Anglophiles formed the Anglo Panama Cutural Association over 70 years ago during World War II and continues to play a quiet but important role in the country’s cultural milieu.
The Association was originally known as the “Friends of England Society” at a time when England stood virtually alone against the might of Germany, and was created by leading Panamanian citizens most of whom had been educated in Great Britain. It also included Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders and British residents in Panama.
The initial objective of the Association was to purchase a Spitfire to help the RAF.
As a gesture of recognition and gratitude, the British government presented the members with a sterling silver cup. Traditionally, the cup is presented to the members eachyear when the new Board of Directors takes office.
The cup is kept at the UK Ambassador’s residence and the Ambassador serves as the Honorary President.
The Association is non-profit and strives to promote mutual understanding, encourage friendship and strengthen cultural bonds between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Panama.
One of its prime ongoing contributions is the yearly award of scholarships to outstanding students from the Escuela Primaria Gran Bretaña, a public primary school in Chilibre. The association also organizes contests amongst the students, in areas such as essay writing, art and recycling.
The membership includes Panamanian nationals, British residents and any others with an affinity for Great Britain. The funds generated from monthly activities and from the annual membership paid by members of the Association is to pay for the scholarships and prizes, as well as for the numerous activities organized for the members which include concerts, musicals, comedies, cultural and recreational events, outings and conferences.
The concert, starring Elisa and Luis Troesch will be at the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, starting at 7 pm. The donation towards the Association’s worthy causes is $30 and tickets are on sale at the Galeria Allegro and at the museum.