ENTERTAINMENT: Get your running shoes ready for a busy week ahead

By Lourdes Quijada
THOSE who complain that life in Panama is “boring” might like to put on their running shoes for the next few days and sample events to satisfy most tastes.

If that marathon doesn’t satisfy their needs, they can check out “What’s On”, which is being updated as I write and will provide you with an entertainment potpourri through until the end of the year.

This weekend of course is the International Book Fair at the Atlapa Convention Center featuring not only books and magazines (yes some in English) but writers, seminars, collector items and OPERA. On Friday, August 23 Opera Panama and guest performers from overseas will be presenting a concert Gloria in Excelsis in the Abayansi Theatre

Friday and Saturday also offers the closing nights of the third season of Deep Fried Comedy featuring: Andres Clemente • Giancarlo Benedetti • Melanie Lee • José Mezquita • Simon Tejeira. Your chance to get in on the act and test the skills of the performers.
Monday through Wednesday, August 25-28 a multi-talented and multi-national cast will be presenting a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre at the Golden Unicorn Restaurant, near Atlapa. As I warned in a previous column,all three performances are sold out, which seems to be a trade mark of CanadaPLUS Club events. But there is a waiting list for Monday and Tuesday, and if there are enough names, an extra table will be squeezed in. So try calling 6619,6890 or email clubcanadaplus@gmail.com. $35 members, $40 non.
Coming up at the end of the week is Panama’s annual Gastronomic Fair At Atlapa (August 30- September 1) with 180 stands including restaurants, gourmet stores, and kitchen accessories. There’s also a “Wine Route” with multiple tasting opportunities. If you prefer beer or have a strong constitution and can handle both, there’s a MicroBrew with 37 varieties to sample. There’s more …much more, so open you calendar and visit What’s On. Boring Panama. Someone must be asleep in front of the TV.