Swinging Boquete – Jazz and Blues move to the highlands

AS PANAMA’S  Jazz Festival moves into  the land of happy musical memories, Jazz and Blues fans, just looking for double cool,(temperature and music) are planning to descend on Boquete for the 9th Jazz and Blues Festival.

The organisers promise that from February 4-8  the valley will resonate with the sounds of world-class Latin Jazz and the raw power of North American Blues.

Musicians from the US, Panama and Europe, will present  8 daytime shows in Valle Escondido amphitheater and there will be  five  night time  jam sessions, a New Orleans style street parade, a Latin Jazz garden party at the Panamonte hotel, a free concert in the park, an  Art of Music“ art show and a ‚Music for Schools’ program.

The line-up includes international blues star Shakura S’Aida from Canada Li’l Ed&The Blues Imperials from Chicago, Deanna Bogart from Baltimore will boogie the 88’s and blow her horn  and , 83 years old Blues veteran Leon Blue from Las Vegas, will rock the house on the closing day  together with Swiss Blues Award winner Andy Egert and the Boquete Blues Band,

The Latin Jazz element  of the festival features Panamanian born John Carney with his band Gato Maximo and Nicaragua-born Yelba & Latin Fire from Houstonwill fire up the audience with  irresistable Latin sounds

If you won’t feel like dancing when Yelba is on stage you probably never will says a press release.

Rigoberto Coba’s 18 piece Big Bandfrom David/Chiriqui will also be back in Valle Escondido

Closing the festival on Sunday, February 8, the 7-piece Malamanya bandwill take the audience on  amusical journey to Cuba.

You can drive or fly by Copa Airlines or Panama Airlines to David or take advantage of  a newly introduced cost saving offer The Blues Bus to Boquete, which includes on and free drinks and appetizers. It starts at Albook Mall and has one stop at Coronado

visit the festival website at www.boquetejazzandbluesfestival.comfor more details about the program, lodging,  the Blues Bus and a lot more!
