Fotos & Fiber Art at Casco Exhibition

Aehibition “Fotos & Fiber Art”, featuring the work of photographer, Gemma Moore, and fiber artist,  Ife Grady   opened in Tantalo’s  in Casco Vieho,last week and will run until February 15.

A contributor writes: This unique exhibit artfully combines the disappearing, elegant, often funky beauty of Casco Viejo’s doors with handworked fiber art creations. The fiber art includes portraiture, abstract pieces and whimsical representations. This exhibit manages to be both accessible and intriguing.

Photographs from Gemma Moore’s art book, The Doors of Casco Viejo, are framed and presented in diverse styles. Ms. Moore, who has 30 years of Architectural Interior Design to her credit, moved to Panama and was inspired by the redevelopment of the area. “I wanted to capture the dynamics of the changes taking place before our eyes and give reference to what once was while respecting the future” Ife Grady, a retired Academic Librarian, has been creating fiber art for 10 years.  Her work has been shown extensively in public and private venues.  “My passion for innovative and improvisational piecing, quilting, and fabric manipulation combine to create works that blend the traditional with culturally inspired artistic and eclectic elements.” she said.

“Music, dance, nature, and womens’ lives are my favorite themes. Currently, the lush greens, colorful  Currently  the flowers, music, and beautiful people of Panama provide a new source of inspiration I am just beginning to explore.”