A musical journey on the wings of song

By Margot Thomas

CANTUS PANAMA  A choral group made up of expats and Panamanians  under the direction of  Kristin Saltenstall returns to St, Lukes Cathedral, Sunday May 22 with a performance described as a “musical journey through time.”

On the wings of song, the choir  will  present music brought to the Isthmus by people of many nations who have played their part in building the country we know today,  from a 16th century  Spanish composition to folk songs  from Colombia, China. France, The Caribbean and the United States.

Some modern songs  are included  but mention of the contribution of the British pirates and buccaneers, and their capstan ditties. But maybe a church setting is not he place for yo, hoing  a bottle of rum  … and there’s always room for a musical surprise.

St Lukes is next to the Oncological  Hospital

The concert starts at   3pm.  Donation $10. Refreshments will be available after the performance. Sounds like a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.