Quarantine for travelers from South America eased

The molecular Covid-19 test (which is more specific with a lower margin of error) will be mandatory for all travelers entering Panama from Monday, April 19 and  the period of quarantine for all travelers who come from South American countries will be reduced to three days.

Previously, people had to remain in quarantine for five days if the test was negative and after that period a second test was carried out which, if negative, ended the confinement.

Due to the epidemiological and genomic surveillance that we have maintained at all entrances to the country, we have been able to detect four variants of the new coronavirus in Panama: South African, Brazilian, United Kingdom, and Californian, so as a country and authorities we are obliged to continue strengthening epidemiological and genomic surveillance with the sole purpose of detecting, controlling and preventing its spread, ”said  Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre.