OPINION: Winning  beats out governing

The three electoral alliances of the main political parties of the country presented their electoral documents to the Electoral Tribunal explaining their government plans. At this stage of the 21st century, and with the experience of the National Development Agreement, and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, it would be very reasonable to expect that those who aspire to govern us in the next five years, intending to use it as a letter of presenting their previous experiences, they will give the country realistic and well-structured proposals that would serve as roadmaps. On the contrary, his documents are full of aspirational goals and proposals without much elaboration and little foundation. It’s not a surprise that they do not offer anything new in the fight against corruption, or update of the Law on Public Procurement. It is clear that they are projects in evolution, a simple draft that can be changed or discarded upon arrival to power. Political parties have enough talent and access to information to propose something better. However, winning is above governing.-LA PRENSA, Jan.31