OPINION: Assembly lacking decent men and women

The evident absenteeism in the National Assembly shows us once again the priorities of the great majority of the deputies who are part of that State body. As in previous electoral periods, principal deputies stop attending to campaign, and the majority of their [substitute] deputies, instead of maintaining the functionality of the legislative power, also shine by their absence.

There is nothing in the law that forces them to attend and fulfill their duties, since as they know they approve the laws. However, this is a moral issue. None of the parents of the country has returned the emoluments received during their absences, except the independent deputy, and presidential candidate,[Ana Matilde Gomez] who returned $600 dollars to compensate her absence for three days of campaigning.

 It is clear that the deputies do not need new rules to do the right thing. Delivering supplies, building materials or appliances, as well as making job offers, are diseases of democracy. In Panama, absenteeism and patronage are not a problem of laws, but a lack of decent men and women.-  LA PRENSA Mar.26