OPINION: Vested interests block cheaper energy

The energy policy of Panama must become a proposal of State strategies, which do not vary according to the administration in turn. That is perhaps the most important lesson to build and put into operation the third line of electrical interconnection. The sins committed with this project have been extremely costly to consumers and the country’s competitiveness.

 For this reason, it is vitally important that the new government define with transparency and promptness the criteria it will use to contract the fourth electric interconnection line, since from 2020 the three existing interconnections will be operating at full capacity. The challenge requires that the state entities involved develop their functions technically and not playing politics.

 Panama has great opportunities to promote its economic development, which can be lost if we do not guarantee adequate electricity supply. It is time to understand that such a strategic sector requires more planning and better coordination. The obstacles to cheaper and more sustainable  energy,  have been imposed by short-term vested interests. Overcoming this obstacle will give energy to the future of Panama – LA PRENSA, May 22