OPINION: Shameless,incapable leaders

If the rulers handled their personal businesses in the same way they do in public administration, they would surely be unsuccessful. The patrimony of all Panamanians is like a piñata that they beat until their content falls to the ground, but the only guests to take part in the feast are the politicians who, without shame, fill their pockets, leaving the leftovers for those who pay for the party. The evidence is too much. The health structures that the last [Martinelli] administration ordered to be built served as an excuse to do business, but the current government has had to practice rescue of these so that, at least, something would be left to the population of this absurd party of meaningless expenses. But they lie there, eaten away and rotting because of their lack of use. The rogue is double: resources destined for irrational ends, but, at the same time, without using it. That’s how bad things are: shamelessness and inability, the worst of all mixtures. For the welfare of the people who need it, we hope that the new authorities rescue these structures; that generate incentives to ensure that youth pursue careers that can meet the pressing health needs, and that those responsible for so much neglect and looting are denounced so that they pay for so much self-confidence. Panama is a rich country, we all know that, but we should not believe that our resources are infinite. You just have to see that, with so much oil, Venezuela is now a poor country. we hope that the new authorities rescue these structures; that generate incentives to ensure that youth pursue careers that can meet the pressing health needs, and that those responsible for so much neglect and looting are denounced so that they pay for so much self-confidence. Panama is a rich country, we all know that, but we should not believe that our resources are infinite. You just have to see that, with so much oil, Venezuela is now a poor country – LA PRENSA, June 23