OPINION : Crooks remain  on streets mocking Panamanians

It seems that we are in the season of judicial hunting in the National Assembly. This week, apart from the legislative shrimp in the project of imprescriptibility of sexual crimes against minors, deputies backed the bill 50, which eliminated the competence of prosecutors to order preventive detentions in cases prior to 2018, under the mixed inquisitive system. This sudden concern for justice comes from a deputy who is an expert in making impunity. We are in the final phase of high profile corruption cases, almost all under the inquisitive system, and if justice has been able to advance a little, it has been thanks to the fact that prosecutors have this tool. Bill 50 seeks to evade justice, and those involved in cases such as Odebrecht, FCC, and others, stay on the street, mocking Panamanians, and delaying their processes as much as possible. It is not an accident that this project was returned to the first debate since the deputies were clear of their agenda of releasing those already convicted, and then work on those who should be detained for the most heinous cases of corruption and money laundering. capitals that the country has known – LA PRENSA, Feb. 1