CORONAVIRUS: Protecting each other

One pair of hands washes away foam, another pair of hands soaps

How long will the coronavirus crisis last in Panama? That depends on multiple factors, but above all on the citizen’s willingness to comply with the basic measures of personal hygiene, constant hand washing for 20 seconds and avoid close contact with people who may have the disease.

 We must prevent the contagion from continuing with more Panamanians end up in hospitals to receive critical care. We, citizens of this country, can shorten this crisis with our civic values ​​and responsibility. The Ministry of Health cannot put a doctor or nurse in every home.

 The successes that other countries have had in neutralizing the Covid-19 have originated in the commitment of their citizens. Being clean and supportive of our neighbors, family and compatriots is a small sacrifice in exchange for saving lives. Panamanians, with their  actions and omissions  will decide if the coronavirus remains a threat for the next few weeks or for long months.

 Our bad behavior and non-compliance with sanitary measures risk everyone’s life. The economy is suffering a lot and it is very likely that tens of thousands of Panamanians are vulnerable in their economic well-being. The State has an obligation to act to mitigate these effects. Citizens have an obligation to protect each other.  LA PRENSA, Mar. 18