OPINION; Panama justice on hold

ACCESS  to justice is an inalienable human right. This public service is essential for the proper functioning of society; compliance with family, labor, commercial and civil obligations, as well as the resolution of conflicts in a peaceful and effective manner.

The closure of most judicial offices, for health reasons, has been depriving Panamanians of the exercise and defense of their rights for more than two months. Saving lives by avoiding contagion from overcrowding and crowding in courts and tribunals has been a responsible measure that, however, deserves further consideration. The Judicial Branch has had sufficient time to evaluate the use of technological tools and other ways of conflict resolution that could well begin the reconversion of justice to an activity compatible with the criteria of the 21st century. Constitutional guarantees and due process are not negotiable, so judicial activity, on which 4 million Panamanians and tens of thousands of lawyers and other professionals depend, must continue.- LA PRENSA, May 16