Saving the Canal from political vampires

So far this year, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has faced the climate challenge, which reduced the amount of water available for transits, and the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has reduced wprld trade.  In turn, the interoceanic route has had to implement a strategy to protect the health of its personnel. 

All of these challenges have impacted Canal revenues, and possibly represent a sign that contributions to the State will be affected. Citizens must be especially vigilant about the political pressures that seek to obtain higher income from the ACP, undermining its own sustainability and failing to comply with the mandate of the institution. 

We Panamanians cannot allow the Canal to suffer  the same fate as to most of the large Latin American state companies, that were vampirized and looted by the political class and corruption, until they were almost useless. 

At this time we must understand that the Canal is key to the future of Panama. Let’s prevent it from becoming another spoil of politicking. LA PRENSA, May 30.