OPINION: Panama a failed democracy?

 “Justice” is working like never before and at breakneck speeds. But not for everyone. While some receive the magnanimous tolerance of a hypochondriac with excuses for illness, others are treated with the rigor of a gangster in front of an informer.

This same person is the one who sets the Government’s agenda –managed by the faint-hearted and genuflexes–; of judges who betray the most elementary principles of justice, and mythomaniac deputies, committed only to the master and with their pockets. Panama is the living expression of a failed democracy, close to that of Nicolás Maduro or Daniel Ortega.

This is not a two-handed government. Every day it becomes more evident who is in charge, who is doing what they want and who are their employees in the Government. He did not have to compete for the Presidency of the Republic; he had it secured without obtaining a single vote. And justice is making it easier for him to govern like an autocrat: without opposition, crushing and curtailing freedoms and rights; with absolute impunity, as the dictator does; without critics, executed by judges at his service, and without respect for the law and the Constitution, because the State is him and only he.LA PRENSA, Jul. 10