OPINION: Government off the rails

It takes a lot to decipher the government’s priorities. Authorities seem unable to see the enormous impact that the pandemic has had on the economy, causing unprecedented job losses and the closure of hundreds of businesses. Our leaders, instead of trying to revive the economy, are determined to spend what little there is. They cannot answer simple questions. What to do so that investment stimulates the economy? What do you think of when you want to spend more than $10 million to rent cars? Why, now, is it necessary to remodel the DIJ headquarters, for almost $5 million? Who told you that you have to employ people, just to speak well of the rulers in the networks? Are they seriously going to spend more than $1.5 million to strengthen the image of the Government? Regarding expenses, Why do they pay for expensive medical supplies when they can buy them at competitive prices? What was the director of the CSS thinking when he wanted to provide a questionable and expensive service to equally questionable companies in a pandemic, for $ 168 million? This is not myopia; it is blindness pure and hard. LA PRENSA, Sep.18