Accountability and transparency

Accountability and transparency. A good government would not fear these two words, but in this one, just hearing them produces a chain reaction that goes from the displeasure of officials and refusing to hand over public information, to smear campaigns on social networks. But as citizens, it is our right to demand explanations, and it is the duty of officials to give them, no matter how many hives they cause. For example, we citizens would like you to explain to us how the $100 million destined to alleviate the damage caused by the floods last November was spent. 

Nobody has taken the trouble to inform what has been the destination of this money. Giving us these explanations is accountability. 

And as for transparency, it is surprising that the Comptroller’s Office, the call to ensure this issue, is part of the problem. Or is it that they believe that waiving prior inspection of state works in this pandemic is transparency? Giving up that task is missing your duties, no matter how much you want to legalize it. Demanding transparency and accountability every day is strenuous, but necessary, and it is our right to do so. LA PRENSA. Dec. 4.