Vaccine rollout needs continuance of health protocols

The process to begin the vaccination phase seems carefully planned, judging by the information provided yesterday by the Presidency of the Republic. Its execution, according to the plans and schedule prepared by the specialists, will be crucial for people, businesses, the economy and the entire country to return to normalcy. We trust that the professionals and technicians who will make the process so that everyone receives their vaccine a reality will do the best possible job, even if it is the first time they have faced the task of vaccinating the entire population. Panama has one of the best vaccination programs in the world and the professionals in charge of logistics have shown signs of knowing what to do. We hope that they will allow them to work, as they have always done, well, as said, the health of people at risk, sick or vulnerable to the virus depends on it. We must also make an appeal to the population. This process must be in order, as planned, but, above all, the measures recommended by the Health authorities must continue to be observed, since vaccination will take several months. – LA PRENSA, Jan 19