Protecting the protected

Once again, the Supreme Court of Justice – this time in a ruling drawn up by magistrate Hernán de León – justifies unjustifiable actions by denying the admission of a constitutional guarantee against the decision of a first instance judge that prohibited this medium from publishing photographs and investigating the case against the lawyer Janio Lescure, when in a recording in Spain he boasted of how he bought rulings and magistrates of the Supreme Court of Panama.  This is how some magistrates extend their protective mantle to the merchant, at the same time that they endorse the arbitrary prohibition of this medium from practicing journalism, thus restricting their freedom to express themselves, a fundamental and inherent part of the human being. It is surprising how, in the 21st century, when a democracy is supposed to reign in Panama there are still public servants who belong to prehistory, whose idea of ​​justice is the same as that of a dictator. But his action goes beyond his obvious ignorance of human rights. What underlies is not as hidden as they would like, since it is obvious that, by protecting the big mouth, its protectors are also protected. LA PRENSA, Apr. 5