OPINION: In search of Leadership

Although there is still a long way to go to return to normality —even if it is a new one— the country seems to be starting to move its paralyzed gears as regards economic activity. But everything indicates that it is the product of inertia and not of a well-planned reactivation.

 The Government continues to improvise, a behavior that has been consistent throughout the pandemic. The Health Ministry has now turned its effort into the mass vaccination campaign, while the rest of the officials seem to contemplate what doctors and nurses do. The Government must strengthen the dialogue with private companies to analyze solutions, and plans, in order to facilitate economic reactivation. The private sector is an important provider of funds – through multiple taxes – to execute government plans, but officials seem to have ignored this fact. The new slogan is for himself who can, because here there is no policy, plan, consensus, line, purpose or idea that sets the course to follow. It is evident that the lack of authority is the one that traces the courses of this new normality. Never before has the country needed so much national leadership and never before has it been so absent. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 14