OPINION: Martinelli  replays the health card

Former president Ricardo Martinelli continues to mock Panamanians. He has never had the slightest qualm and does whatever it takes because he believes he is unpunishable powerful and defended by a legion of lawyers, sheep, and officials who are capable of anything for a few coins.

Therefore, it is shocking to see him on social media saying that he has several affected vertebrae within days of facing trial.

This same character jumped and partied in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic.

Justice has yet another opportunity to locate Martinelli and demand answers to each of his accusations so that no president or former president will ever again pretend to make fun of Panamanians.

That is what we lack. The rule of law to do its job to not depend on the punishment of the United  States  and for this country to establish a before and after against corruption.- MI DIARIO, Jun. 2