Questions when judges seek re-election

Anyone who meets the requirements of the Constitution to be a deputy or magistrate has the right to stand for election or selection. But that does not mean that that must be all that is necessary to receive such a privilege. In the case of the deputies, it has been proven that it is a position that should not be reelected, because, in their efforts to remain in office, they change the electoral division of the country, seek to do works to gain sympathy, manipulate the budget of the State, etc., while their duties are relegated to the background. In the case of the magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice, their selection should be meticulous, strictly attached to merit, ethics and an impeccable track record. But there have been many times that these appointments respond to the payment of favors or vice versa, to benefit a partner or simply, the position is reserved for lawyers without reputation, experience or scruples for the sale of their judgments. The Executive is preparing to appoint – along with the National Assembly, where ethics and morals went for an eternal walk – the next magistrates. We hope that impeccable legal professionals will be chosen and not those who meet only the minimum requirements of being Panamanian, a lawyer and over 35 years of age. LA PRENSA, Jun. 17.