“Political persecution” or simple larceny?

From a distance, we will witness the development of a historic trial, at least for Panamanians. We must not forget that this was born in 2014, in Brazil, with Operation Lava Jato, in which an important part of this investigation was Odebrecht. Well, 7 years have passed and the trial in Panama will hopefully be in the eighth year, while in New York it begins today as regards Panama. This will give us the opportunity to see where there is the certainty of punishment and where there is not; where justice is respected and where it is not; or where a trial is won, whether in court or on social media. And when the time comes – and if there are convictions – we will all wonder: and now what will be the excuse for leaving so much bribery unpunished. In the Odebrecht case, there are confessed and convicted defendants; there is evidence, not abundant, but very abundant; there are testimonies that reveal how, when, where and who; there are bank accounts with funds whose origin their “owners” cannot explain. Never before has a case been so solidly proven and, even so, after what happened with the punctures case, uncertainty reigns. Undoubtedly, the trial in the United States will clarify whether this case is political persecution or simple larceny.- LA PRENSA, Nov. 16.