The Sound of One Hand Clapping


Today is the International Day Against Corruption. The celebration goes completely unnoticed, although corruption celebrates like never before, because although today the day is commemorated against it – surely in other countries, because obviously not here – the truth is that today, like the remaining 364 days, someone will rob the state and nothing will happen. Corruption is not something that happens so secretly and in a country whose inhabitants are very few, everything is known. The media know it, the people, the banks, businessmen and officials know it. You cannot illegally withdraw money from the State without the complicity of others. But what to do? The problem is that the institutions of control are as rotten as the people who run them, So who do you turn to? To the Attorney General’s Office? To the Comptroller’s Office? To the Judicial Branch? To the president? The deputy? To the police? In effect, nothing has worked, because in most cases they cannot provide a solution as it has been proven that they are also part of the problem. Today there will be no parades or murals in schools, no rehearsals, no speech, not a single gesture of celebration. Today, someone from the Government will steal from us and that one, that one, will celebrate. – LA PRENSA, Dec. 8