In search of mayoralty accountability

THE MAYOR OF THE CAPITAL CITY HAS EARNED IT. The initiative to revoke his mandate came to him because his management could be described as a complete disaster. And, although there would only be four months to gather the necessary signatures to apply the measure against him, if they are not achieved, it would serve as a kind of thermometer for the mayor to correct courses, which would include approaches with the inhabitants of the district, real consultations, transparency in its management and, above all, be empathic with the needs of its constituents. Contrary to what his administration should be, the mayor has been arrogant, has made serious errors of judgment, because he believes he has the last word in everything, and, in some cases, has even mocked the electorate by promoting citizen consultations that leave much to be desired. The initiative to revoke his mandate puts citizens to the test, who will now have to decide if he deserves to continue in office. These are the opportunities that voters have to assert their vote: if they do not keep their promises, if they are not taken seriously, if they are not consulted, then they have the ideal means to reconsider their decision. It is time to make the vote count. – LA PRENSA,  Feb. 23.