An end to shameless double-dipping?


The impudence and complicity of both the Comptroller and the deputies who allowed the shameless payment of paid licenses to corregimiento representatives, alternates, mayors, and deputy mayors has fortunately found its end.

A ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice has determined that this figure creates jurisdictions and privileges and, therefore, is unconstitutional. In other words, for a long time, the existence of a caste was allowed for which the rules of the game were different, for the simple fact of acting in favor of the political interests of the deputies. Once again it is demonstrated that the loyalties of the deputies are neither with the country, nor with the voters, but with themselves and with those who with the same self-confidence help them remain in power to continue doing their thing.

This is how the disgusting vicious circle that our Creole politics has become works. But the list of privileged officials who receive paid leave while they are appointed in other institutions is much longer, so now it remains to be seen, how long will they continue to violate our Constitution? –  LA PRENSA, Apr. 11.