OPINION: A pseudo public “consultation”


The mayor’s project to build a new seafood market has pushed José Luis Fábrega against the wall. The mayor of the capital city came to office with an agenda of works without consultation that he wanted to impose. He has never understood that he must consult and understand that he is not a king, he is a public servant who must have the approval of his voters to act in works that will be financed with decentralization money. His stubbornness is such that he is now seeking to do a new work, valued at some $40 million, on a public asset – the coastal strip – used by hundreds of thousands of city residents, and with the support of only 25 people who attended a pseudo public consultation that he convened and that was almost done in secret. His action has overwhelmed his voters who, feeling mocked, support with their signatures an act of revocation of the mandate against him. Although the PRD – his political party – maintains that this act is not provided for by law, the truth is that the people who elected him have the sovereign right to question it and even take away the power that they gave him with their votes. Because, contrary to what he and his colleagues seem to understand, the real power lies with the citizens, not with the official on duty – LA PRENSA Apr. 25.

OPINION: A pseudo public “consultation”

The mayor’s project to build a new seafood market has pushed José Luis Fábrega against the wall. The mayor of the capital city came to office with an agenda of works without consultation that he wanted to impose. He has never understood that he must consult and understand that he is not a king, he is a public servant who must have the approval of his voters to act in works that will be financed with decentralization money. His stubbornness is such that he is now seeking to do a new work, valued at some $40 million, on a public asset – the coastal strip – used by hundreds of thousands of city residents, and with the support of only 25 people who attended a pseudo public consultation that he convened and that was almost done in secret. His action has overwhelmed his voters who, feeling mocked, support with their signatures an act of revocation of the mandate against him. Although the PRD – his political party – maintains that this act is not provided for by law, the truth is that the people who elected him have the sovereign right to question it and even take away the power that they gave him with their votes. Because, contrary to what he and his colleagues seem to understand, the real power lies with the citizens, not with the official on duty – LA PRENSA Apr. 25.